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Australia A-TICK certification

What is A-Tick certification?
A-TICK is a certification mark issued by the Australian Communications Authority (ACA) for communication equipment.
(1) manufacturers and imports must use A - TICK: in the next step
(a), the implementation of ACAQ technology and product testing
(two) register with ACA using A - TICK
(three) fill in the declaration form (Declaration of Conformity Form) and keep it in accordance with the product record
(four) affix the logo "A - TICK" on the communication product or equipment (Labei)
(five) selling to consumers;
(2) A-tiok requirements for telecommunication equipment
According to the Australian telecommunications act of 1997 the twenty-first part technology management Qu Australian communications media authority Hutuo responsible for telecommunications equipment and consumer consumer connection. ACMA introduced a self management system based on product labels and relevant technical standards, which was implemented in accordance with the telecommunications labelling bulletin 2001. The primary objective of compliance requirements is to ensure that such products meet the relevant technical standards required by the management and that they have been properly identified before providing or connecting to the telecommunications network. The technical standards relate to the health and safety of users and operators of integrated telecommunications networks, the availability of telecommunications networks that provide standard telephony services, and the implementation of emergency call services.
Australian manufacturers and importers or their authorized agents must affix A-tiok labels or labels on products specified in the label announcements.
A-Tick certification mark


A-Tick certified product range
In general, any consumer device and consumer connection that can connect to a carrier or operating service provider belongs to the telecommunications product defined in the label announcement,
For example: answering machines, mobile phones, fax machines, telephones (including cordless phones), modems, telecommunications products, in addition to three-phase power supply, as well as large communications products, are NTEK business scope.
A-Tick certification factory inspection
No factory inspection is required
A-Tick certification requirements
Since November 2001, Australia / New Zealand FMI for the merger; if the product is to be sold in the two countries, the following documents in marketing before the essential Qi, in preparation for ACA "Australian Communications Authority" (Ministry of Economio Deve1opnlent or New Zealand) authorities to check at any time:
1 test reports must be made by NATA or NATA and with certification bodies, such as NVLAP or A2LA accredited laboratory issued is valid, otherwise the request samples sent to test the probability is very high.
2 "Application, to, USC, the, tick, Mark, Form" - C- must be signed by Australia / New Zealand or importer.
3 "Suppller 's Declaration of Conformity" Form- must be signed by the Australian / New Zealand company or importer. The vendor responsible for the signature is responsible for ensuring that the product is still in compliance with the EMI requirements.
4 of the original design drawings and specifications (such as: circuit diagram, block diagram, User 's Manual and Service Manual).
5 describe the production inspection process during production to ensure the maintenance of the EMI characteristics.
6 any change statements that affect the EMI and the necessary test records.
A-Tick certification data preparation
1 the manufacturer who applies for the certification product and the full name of the applicant and the detailed contact address.
2 a copy of the installation and use manual for certified products to be provided to the user. If the product does not have a user manual, a rough copy of the relevant content can be provided.
3 Schematic diagram and working principle of the product.
4 oscillation frequency meter for the work of the product. The propagation path of the signal and the corresponding oscillation frequency shall be listed in the table.
5 other features that need to be explained.
Unless otherwise specified, please provide the above information in english;
For applications of various plough sizes, please provide data of each model separately;
If you are applying for a series of products, please attach the similarities and differences between different types of products.
A-Tick certification process
1 sample
2 product information
3 application form
4 sign the contract
5 arrange the first paragraph
6 test
7 - issue a report
The 8 paragraph
A-Tick authentication cycle
5 business days
As the A-Tick certification authority, ring detection is not only has a professional independent laboratories and a group of A-Tick certified engineers with rich experience, can provide customers with all-round and one-stop testing and certification services, and achieve mutual recognition agreements with the United States, Britain, Germany and other 58 countries and regions, the test report have international credibility. If you have a product that requires A-Tick certification, please contact the Engineer at 022-84819220.

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