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The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Finance issued the "intelligent manufacturing development plan (2016-2020 years)"

Time:2017/6/5Posted:Tianjin Huantong Detection Technology Co., Ltd.

Promote smart manufacturing, can effectively shorten the product development cycle, improve production efficiency and product quality, reduce operating costs and energy consumption of resources, accelerate the development of intelligent manufacturing, it is very important to improve the manufacturing industry supply structure flexibility and initiative to cultivate new economic growth has significance.
To implement the "national economic and social development thirteenth five year plan" and "China manufacturing 2025", the Ministry of industry and information technology, Ministry of Finance jointly organized the relevant units and experts, through study and research, on the basis of fully listen to the views of experts, industry associations, key enterprises and all departments., to complete the preparation of "intelligent manufacturing development plan (2016 - 2020)" (hereinafter referred to as the "plan").
"Planning" as a programmatic document to guide the development of the "13th Five-Year" period of national manufacturing intelligence, the "13th Five-Year" in China during the period of intelligent manufacturing development of the guiding ideology, objectives and priorities.
"Plan" put forward the guiding ideology of the development of intelligent manufacturing is to firmly establish the concept of innovation, coordination, development of green, open and shared, fully implement the "2025" Chinese manufacturing and promoting the supply side structural reform plan, the development of intelligent manufacturing as a long-term strategy, classified guidance, industry, promote the sustained step, "13th Five-Year" during the simultaneous implementation of digital manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing popularization demonstration lead, to build a new manufacturing system as the goal, the implementation of intelligent manufacturing engineering as an important starting point, efforts to enhance the key technology and equipment safety control ability, enhance the ability of supporting software, standards based, integrated efforts to enhance the application level, and strive to explore and cultivate new model, and strive to create a good development environment, to foster new economic growth momentum, to build China's manufacturing industry To lay a solid foundation for the new competitive advantages and the construction of manufacturing power.
"Planning" proposed in 2025, to promote the implementation of the "two step" strategy of Intelligent Manufacturing: the first step is to 2020, intelligent manufacturing development foundation and support capabilities significantly enhanced in key areas of the traditional manufacturing industry the basic realization of digital manufacturing, intelligent key industry conditions and the foundation can make obvious progress in transition; the second step, to 2025 intelligent manufacturing support system, basic establishment, preliminary implementation of intelligent transformation of key industries.
"Planning" proposed ten key tasks: one is to accelerate the development of intelligent manufacturing equipment, overcome key technology and equipment, improve the quality and reliability, promote integrated application in key areas; the two is to strengthen the key generic technology innovation, breakthroughs in key generic technology, distribution and accumulation of a number of core intellectual property rights; three is the construction of intelligent manufacturing standards, carry out research and experimental verification standard, speeding up the revision of the standard and application; four is to build the Internet based industry, the development of new industrial equipment and network system, information security hardware and software products, build test platform, establish a sound risk assessment, inspection and information sharing mechanism; the five is to increase the intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration efforts to carry out the new model of intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration, selection of intelligent manufacturing enterprise, constantly sum up experience and mode, in which The relevant industry transfer, promotion; the six is to promote the key areas of intelligent transformation, in the "China manufacturing 2025" ten key areas of the pilot construction of digital smart factory / workshop, in the application of traditional manufacturing digital technology, system integration technology, intelligent manufacturing equipment; the seven is to promote the intelligent transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, promote the automation of the small and medium sized enterprises and the construction of cloud manufacturing platform and service platform; eight is to develop intelligent manufacturing system, accelerate the development of a number of system solutions provider, vigorously develop the leading enterprises, and make a number of "specialization" supporting enterprises; nine is to promote regional coordinated development of intelligent manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing equipment industry cluster to promote the construction, strengthen the Internet the inter regional collaboration based on intelligent manufacturing resources; the ten is to create intelligent manufacturing personnel, improve the personnel training plan, strengthen intelligence It can create talents training, build intelligent manufacturing training bases, and build a multi-level talent team. At the same time, "plan" put forward to strengthen coordination, improve the innovation system, efforts to increase fiscal support, financial support for innovative ways, play the role of industry organizations, deepen international cooperation safeguard measures in six aspects.
"Planning" as the "13th Five-Year" period to guide the development of intelligent manufacturing programmatic document, will co-ordinate domestic development of intelligent manufacturing, accelerate the formation of promoting manufacturing intelligence transformation work pattern.
Text as follows:
Notice of the two department on printing and distributing the development plan of intelligent manufacturing (2016-2020 years)
Circular of the Ministry of industry and information technology and the Ministry of Finance on Issuing the plan for the development of intelligent manufacturing (2016-2020 years)
MIIT joint code [2016] No. 349
To implement the "People's Republic of China national economic and social development in the thirteenth five year plan", "2025" China manufacturing (of the [2015]28) and the "guiding opinions of the State Council on further development of the manufacturing industry and the integration of the Internet" (the [2016]28), the Ministry of industry and information technology, Ministry of Finance jointly formulated the "intelligent manufacturing development plan (2016-2020)". It is hereby issued to you, and earnestly implement it in combination with the actual practice in this region and this department.
Appendix: development plan of intelligent manufacturing (2016-2020 years)
Intelligent manufacturing development program (2016-2020 years)
Intelligent manufacturing is the integration of the new generation of information and communication technology and advanced manufacturing technology based on depth, throughout all aspects of design, production, management, service and other manufacturing activities, new production has the function of self perception, self-learning, self decision and self adaptive execution, etc.

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