Industry News

Li Keqiang: expanding the scope of implementation of the export products with the same line with the same standard

Time:2017/6/5Posted:Tianjin Huantong Detection Technology Co., Ltd.

     Premier Li Keqiang, 5, said in his government work report that the potential of domestic demand should be further released. Promote the supply structure and demand structure to adapt to, consumption upgrades and effective investment promotion, regional urban and rural development coordination, and strengthen the domestic demand for economic growth lasting pull effect.
Promote steady growth of consumption. Adapt to changes in consumer demand, improve policies and measures to improve the consumer environment. First, we must accelerate the development of service consumption. Carry out a new round of comprehensive reform of the service sector, support social forces to provide education, pension, medical and other services. Promote the service sector model innovation and cross-border integration, the development of medical and health care, cultural and creative and other emerging consumption. Improve tourism facilities and services, and vigorously develop the rural, leisure, tourism. Expand digital family, online education and other information consumption. Promote electricity providers, courier into the community into the countryside, to promote the integration of store sales and online shopping development. Two, increase the consumption of high quality products. Guide enterprises to increase varieties, quality and brand, and expand the export products, "line with the same standard" scope of implementation, better meet the needs of consumer upgrades. Three, we must rectify and standardize the market order. Seriously investigate counterfeit and shoddy, false advertising, price fraud and other acts, strengthen consumer rights and interests, let the people spend money, less trouble, more comfortable.
Active expansion of effective investment. To guide the funds to invest more to make up the short board, adjusting structure, promoting innovation, improve people's livelihood areas. This year, we will invest 800 billion yuan in railway construction, invest 1 trillion and 800 billion yuan in highway and waterway transportation, start 15 major water conservancy projects, and continue to strengthen the construction of major projects such as rail transportation, civil aviation and telecommunications infrastructure. The central budget for investment is 507 billion 600 million yuan. Implementing and improving policies and measures to promote private investment. Deepen the government and social capital cooperation, improve the relevant price, tax and other preferential policies, the government should take the lead in good faith, never change the agreement, no new government to ignore the old account".
Optimize the pattern of regional development. We will make overall efforts to promote the development of the three major strategies and the "four major plates", implement relevant plans, and study and formulate new measures. Promote the development of state-level new zones, development zones and industrial parks. We will support the transformation and development of resources exhausted and ecologically degraded areas. Optimize spatial resource allocation. Promote the construction of marine economic demonstration zones, accelerate the construction of marine power, and resolutely safeguard the national maritime rights and interests.
Push forward the new urbanization. Deepen the reform of the household registration system, this year to achieve more than 13 million people settled in the city, speed up the residence permit system full coverage. We will support the development of small and medium-sized cities and characteristic towns, promote the orderly establishment of a number of counties and towns with sufficient conditions, and play the leading role of the urban agglomeration. We will promote the reform and development of the construction industry and raise the design level and quality of the project. City planning on the underground construction, and then start the construction of city underground pipe gallery of more than 2000 kilometers, starting to eliminate the urban focus waterlogged section three years of action, promote the sponge city construction, the city has "face" and more "lining". (Xinhuanet)

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